Alternate ending

Alternate ending is a term used (usually in movies) to describe the ending of a story that was planned or debated but ultimately unused in favor of the actual ending. Generally, alternate endings are considered to have no bearing on the canonical narrative. On the internet, amateurs may make their own alternate endings.


Examples in film

In movies, alternate endings are often filmed before being scrapped, and may be subsequently included as a special feature in the film's DVD release. These alternate endings are a special type of deleted scene. In other cases, ideas that were presented but discarded early on are alluded to by the production team in commentary or interviews.

The following are examples of known alternate endings to movies:

Examples in television

In TV shows, producers may want to keep the ending of an episode a secret, even if it means keeping it from the stars themselves. In such a case, they will usually film more than one ending and not tell the cast which one will be used.

Examples in video games

Many video games also have alternate endings. These endings are generally posed after completing the game in a harder difficulty, or taking a different route through the game's storyline.

Examples in music

See also
